I, in accordance with the data registered above, authorize the companies JAYA – Comunicação e Arte LTDA, CNPJ- 06.168.760/0001-99, headquartered at Rua Tupi, 579, bairro Sta. Cecília, Zip Code – 01233-001, São Paulo- SP, and Paiol Digital LTDA, CNPJ no. 11.056.562/0001-73, headquartered at Rua Chui, 71, apt.12 Zip Code – 04.104-050, Paraíso neighborhood, São Paulo, SP, producers of the audiovisual work provisionally entitled “Os herdeiros do Barão: chegada e trajetória de imigrantes judeus no Brasil” (“The Baron’s heirs: arrival and trajectory of Jewish immigrants in Brazil”), free of charge and irrevocably, to use the images and sounds of the video sent by me here, in the aforementioned audiovisual work and all means of dissemination thereof, including this website, for the purposes of production, exhibition, commercialization or dissemination of the Work, in Brazil or abroad, in any support, media and derivative works. As well as all the author’s and related patrimonial rights, referring to participation in the Work. The authorization hereby granted is given free of charge, and I declare that nothing else will be owed to me by way of related rights or any other, for which I give the broadest, general and unrestricted release, to make no further claims in court or out of court.